
Whatever Happened to Lent? | RealClearReligion

But, all the blame should not be laid at the doorstep of America. This New Idea of Lent has invaded the entire Church. A gauzy altruism has taken the place of a rigorous program of penance and prayer. 

Even more tragic is an almost complete disappearance of the Passion. Its absence is easily evident by simply glancing at the typical modern Catholic Church. In its struggle to create a “welcoming space, it duplicates the sterile décor of a Ramada Inn. The iconography of the Passion has disappeared. Or, if still present at all, its modernist disfigurement is alienating. The whole project is meant to produce a metaphysical disequilibrium. Put another way, it is like a Rorschach test, making it possible to read into the formerly stolid Faith anything one wishes.

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