Can Yaman

Verissimo, guests and interviews Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 April

Weekend time and as usual time for two new dates with very true. Silvia Toffani has lined up two heart-pounding episodes in which some really important guests will open up to us in heartwarming, candid interviews. great anticipation, Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 Aprila Can Yaman, Francesca Chillemi and Terra Amara’s grandmother. But not only! Are you curious to know more? Follow us!

Very true, guests on Saturday, April 27

It’s going to be an episode that really starts off with a bang very true scheduled for today Saturday, April 27. Silvia Toffanin will indeed welcome some truly exceptional and long-awaited guests to the studio. Let’s find out which ones together.

  • Directly from Amici di Maria De Filippi will arrive the last two eliminated of the evening, ie Gaia De Martino and Lil Jolie. Both will share with the audience their emotions about the incredible experience they had and their plans for the future.
  • On the occasion of the second season of “Purple like the sea” which will be released soon, also the protagonists of Verissimo, Francesca Chillemi and Can Yaman.
  • Oriana Sabatini he will come to the studio to tell us about a specific moment in his life. It will be a comprehensive interview for the girlfriend of footballer Paulo Dybala.
  • From the Island of the Famous, from which he decided to retire a few days ago, space for the words of Pepe from Naplesthe Neapolitan fishmonger who will talk about his experience and the reasons that led him to leave Honduras.
  • Life stories and a career full of success those of Carlotta Ferlitothe Italian champion, former gymnast, who will tell us about one of the saddest moments of her life, referring to her mother.
  • Overwhelming sympathy, that of Christian Malgioglio who will entertain us as only he can!
  • From Friends, like Malgioglio, will arrive one of the most discussed professors, ie Alessandra Celentano. It won’t be the first time for you, what will you have to tell us this time?
  • Strength, determination, determination and desire to overcome the problems that life presents: in Silvia Toffanin’s studio at Verissimo also the incredible life stories of Annalisa Minetti.

All the ingredients for an unmissable weekend are there. The date, like every weekend, with very truewill be for Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 April 2024, from 4 p.m., on Channel 30.

story originally seen here