
The Bad Theology of Our Israel Über Alles Foreign Policy

Dispensationalism is a recent theological program that traces its origins to John Nelson Darby (1800-1882), an Anglo-Irish minister connected with Plymouth Brethren (a low church nonconformist movement). Darby interpreted the Bible as recognizing two distinct peoples of God: Israel and the church. Prior to Darby’s influence, orthodox Christians believed that all of God’s promises were fulfilled in Christ. The ancient Hebrews looked forward to the coming of Christ whereas today’s Christians look back to Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. No matter which side of the first coming a person is born, redemption is based on Christ’s work. Consequently, orthodox Christians believed pre-Darby (and still believe today) that Israel and the church are one in Christ. They point, for example, to Paul’s teaching in Romans 11 where he describes the Gentiles as a wild olive shoot grafted onto Israel. Paul’s point, of course, is that there is only one olive bush that Jehovah tends and nourishes.

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