Can Yaman

Inspiration! Mel Gibson is one of Can Yaman’s role models

The protagonist of the series Mr. Wrong feels that for now he has to give his best in the role that guarantees his current success.

One of the brightest stars in the world of Turkish cinema, Can Yaman, believes that being an actor is a great thing, because with the help of this he opens up to many things and possibilities, and it excites him. “Because you don’t really know anything. It always gives me more motivation. Let’s just say that I’m motivated by the fact that I don’t know what’s coming,” he said. the protagonist of the series Mr. Wrong.To the question that would leave the rom-com genre to compete with more challenging films, dramas or historical filmsthe charming actor gave a very surprising answer: “This is a mistake that many actors fall into. When they do something and it becomes popular, like I did with Daydreamer internationally, they try to change roles. But, for what stop your kind of work to find something new now? Why? Why don’t you continue? At 30, I feel better playing these roles. At 40, I won’t necessarily be able to do romantic comedies. Then I’ll do more action or historical,” he said Can YamanI who is the actor who inspires him day after day, to give your best in front of the cameras? “Brad Pitt, Mel Gibson and Johnny Depp for style. These three actors have always inspired me,” he said with a smile the actor

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