Kerem Bürsin

Hafsanur Sancaktutan clarifies what relationship he has with Kerem Bürsin

Kerem Bursin and Hafsanur Sancaktutan are still in the spotlight of the Turkish press. Despite the denial of the actor last September, who assured that the images in which he appeared with his co-star in ‘Ya Çok Seversen’ were taken during a group dynamic with the directors and other actors of fiction, the media have continued to insist that there is more to the pair than friendship.

The rumors persist and just a month ago the journalist Mehmet Üstündağ, from ‘Hürriyet’ published that the couple had had several secret meetings at the actor’s house. As revealed, several witnesses would have seen Hafsanur Sancaktutan (play the following video and find out who it is) enter and leave the address several times. These meetings would have taken place there at the express request of Kerem Bürsin in order not to raise suspicions and to safeguard his privacy tired of the constant speculation about his love life.

This is Hafsanur Sancaktutan, the actress with whom Kerem Bürsin has been linked

After several months of intense rumors and after Kerem Bürsin’s latest statements, Hafsanur Sancaktutan has spoken out for the first time regarding this supposed romance that everyone is talking about in Turkey. As the successful actress has commented, the last statements of his partner, who when asked about their relationship said that there was no love between them “unfortunately” were completely misunderstood by the press As he explained, what is between them is clear for both of them and there are no doubts of any kind. “Kerem may have been misunderstood because he spoke a little European, but we are not related.”

As Kerem Bürsin already did last September, when he assured that the spark had not jumped between them but that she was his close friend and that he loved her very much, Sancaktutan has insisted that they are only friends and that this is the reason why they can be seen on different occasions and in different places. “Kerem and I see each other and get together from time to time. But there is nothing between us. Kerem is my friend,” said the actress, who to resolve the controversy has been very forceful regarding her current emotional situation. “My heart is empty,” he assured the media in his last public appearance. Will the couple finally be able to close the speculations about the relationship between them?

story originally seen here