
Ferrari Sued by Drivers Over Alleged Brake Defect : Automotive Addicts


Ferrari sound found itself entangled in legal proceedings in the United States. A group of drivers has filed a lawsuit alleging that Ferrari has failed to adequately address a serious safety concern regarding the braking systems in their vehicles. The lawsuit, filed in San Diego federal court, claims that despite recalls issued in 2021 and 2022 to rectify brake fluid leaks, the measures taken were only temporary solutions. This allegedly allowed Ferrari to continue selling cars with defective brakes, putting drivers at risk of partial or total loss of braking capability.

According to the complaint, the primary solution offered by Ferrari is the replacement of defective master cylinders upon the discovery of leaks. The plaintiffs argue that Ferrari had a legal obligation to disclose this brake defect as a known safety issue but failed to do so. Seeking unspecified damages, the drivers assert that they wouldn’t have purchased their Ferraris had they been aware of these problems beforehand.

In response to the lawsuit, Ferrari issued a statement emphasizing its commitment to the safety of its drivers and adherence to rigorous safety standards. However, the company did not directly address the allegations laid out in the complaint.

Leading the lawsuit is Iliya Nechev, a resident of San Marcos, California, who purchased a Ferrari 458 Italia in 2020. Nechev claims to have experienced close calls due to his Ferrari’s faulty brakes but was allegedly dismissed by his dealership when he raised concerns.

The issue extends beyond the United States, as Ferrari initiated brake recalls in several countries, including China, beginning in October 2021. The recalls affected various Ferrari models produced over nearly two decades.

Robert Bosch, the German supplier of the alleged defective parts, is also named as a defendant in the lawsuit. The problem is said to stem from brake reservoir fluid caps that may not vent properly, potentially creating a vacuum inside the fluid reservoir.

As the legal proceedings unfold, both Ferrari and Bosch have yet to provide further comments on the matter. The case, filed under the name Nechev v. Ferrari North America Inc et al, is ongoing in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California.

Source: Reuters


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