Can Yaman

Can Yaman violently throws his cell phone at the fans: it’s a fury!

Can Yaman furiously throws his cellphone with force and the fans are stunned. What happened and why?

Can Yaman” width=”1200″ height=”800″ srcset=” 1200w,×200.jpg 300w,×683.jpg 1024w,×512.jpg 768w” sizes=”(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px”/>Can Yaman –

Can Yaman’s uncompromising attitude towards prying or intrusive fans is now well known. On more than one occasion, the Turkish actor has made his position public, both in interviews and on his social profiles. Recently, there has been another episode that does the thirty-three-year-old was upset. More than once he emphasized that his followers do not misbehave and are respectful people. In this case the actor was furious, overwhelmed with anger at what happened.

Can Yaman is furious, smashes his cell phone on the ground

I new video which unfortunately sees Can Yaman as the protagonist has gone viral on social networks. In the pictures, the actor is seen in the car. Reaching out the window, he grabs the phone of an individual filming him and drops it on the ground. subsequently, Can Yaman spoke on Instagram and, through lengthy testimony, offered his version of events.

The actor’s words explain what happened

The actor explained that the individual in question demonstrated a haughty and arrogant behavior, causing his irritated reaction. According to the actor, that person was rude from the beginning, avoiding asking for a photo and saying hello.

Can Yaman mobile phone caseCan Yaman mobile phone case

It started with dominant and threatening attitudesresponding with phrases like: “Calm down, calm down, it wouldn’t do you any good…”, continuing to annoy with flashes in the eyes and non-stop.

Can Yaman did not like the man’s attitude

Even when it has allowed that person into the car, continued to film him at close range, treating him as if he were a caged animal or an inanimate object. According to the actor, such a person cannot be considered a true fan, since the actor is able to recognize those who support him respectfully and without bothering.

The actor emphasized that he had not never turned down a photo or a hug and that I have never needed to react, except to such rude behavior. While we may like the idea of ​​him and his fans being involved in scandals, the truth is that they are constantly provoked. The Turkish actor concluded by stating that he will continue express your opinion and react in the face of rudeness instead of remaining silent and passive. He pointed out that if he kept quiet, there would be nothing to write about.

story originally seen here