Can Yaman

Bad blood?! Diletta Leotta talks about Can Yaman in a recent interview

ALBAWABA – Diletta Leotta She is currently enjoying her little bundle of joy, Aria, who she gave birth to on August 16 with her boyfriend Loris Karius.

And in a recent interview that took place in the Italian magazine “Grazia”, ​​​​Diletta discussed several topics, including how women feel about her, her current boyfriend Loris Karius and her ex-lover Can Yaman .

Can Yaman Diletta Leotta criticizes Can Yaman” width=”408″ height=”520″ loading=”lazy”/>

“When will women love me?”

In the interview, Camilla Baresani asked Diletta Leotta: “Diletta, how do you explain this female hatred that accompanies you?”

Diletta Leotta replied: “I really don’t know, I’d like to ask them and actually help me understand. Maybe, in the case of journalist Paola Ferrari who assaulted me several times, it’s due to the fact that we’ve never met Maybe, if you knew me, you’d say, “I’m sorry, I was wrong.”

Still on the topic of misogyny, he then moves on to another chapter in his life: “I remember in my second or third year of high school, a teacher wrote me down because I was distracting the class. . I had leggings and a sweatshirt, which by the way was mandatory because we had Physical Education that day.” Diletta also addresses a very delicate subject, the bullying she suffered at school.

Diletta Leotta or you can watch Diletta Leotta yesterday and today

Camilla Baresani: “Have you ever been afraid of men? For example, the perception of risk if you walk down the street alone?”

Diletta Leotta: “I wouldn’t say that. Sometimes I felt embarrassed to feel all the eyes on me, annoying and slimy looks, or the vulgar chants in the stadium, which thankfully have stopped now. I had a bad experience when I was a teenager .The gym teacher, the one who made us wear the leggings, once slapped my ass and said something like, “You’re making my cookie wet.” I didn’t know what he meant, I didn’t understand. “I went home and immediately told my father, who is a lawyer. That teacher was immediately suspended and expelled from the institute.”

Diletta Leotta bullied and slapped her while in high school

How did Diletta Leotta and Loris Karius meet?

During the interview, Diletta also talks about his private life and the evening he had with some friends, including Barbara Berlusconi, when he met Loris Karius.

Camilla Baresani: “How did you meet Loris?”

Diletta Leotta: “I was at the fashion show in Paris with some friends. We went to dinner at Hotel Costes. Then when Loris came in, it lit up the room, as if the sun had come in. I said to the girls: Look, the man of my life has entered. Loris went to sit with some friends and of course noticed us watching. When he left, he leaned over and looked at me. And I said, Oh God girls, he chose me. With us was Barbara Berlusconi, who speaks excellent English, she said: Come, let’s meet him. He didn’t speak English, I was embarrassed, but she made him sit with us and we’ve been in touch ever since.”

Diletta Leotta and Loris Karius nasıl tanıştı?  How did Diletta Leotta and Loris Karius meet?

Diletta Leotta throws a punch at Can Yaman

Diletta Leotta then took a dig at Can Yaman, who she dated in the summer of 2021, reported.

According to the online portal, Diletta said: “I did not stay on good terms with him. But he was not dependent on me.”

Diletta Leotta criticizes Can Yaman Diletta Leotta criticizes Can Yaman

story originally seen here