
How Nones have Changed Campus Chaplains’ Jobs

How Nones have Changed Campus Chaplains' Jobs

Lyn Pace

Religion News Service

March 6, 2024

Over the last decade, college campuses across the U.S. have seen a rise in the number of students who identify as “nones,” a category invented by pollsters and demographers to describe that combination of students who identify themselves as atheists, agnostics or “nothing in particular.” According to the Pew Research Center in 2023, about 28% of U.S. adults are religiously unaffiliated.

More than 50% of the 1,000 or so students on the campus I serve as chaplain identify as nones — at least on the box they checked when asked about their religion or spirituality when they applied for admission. We’re not an unusual campus in this regard, as many others in the U.S. share a similar statistic.

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